AIAS Symposium 2021

Climate threats, invasive species, extreme events and disturbances… What will become of Australian alpine ecosystems in future decades and what should our research priorities be?

Please join us for an alpine symposium covering all disciplines:

Thursday 18th November at The General, Hotham Heights (plus via Zoom)

Friday 19th November for a fieldtrip to the surrounding area

Email your intention to attend and submit 200-word abstracts for short presentations (5-8 minutes in person and online) and posters by 18th October to

Student presenters are strongly encouraged!

Cost: $20 (pay on arrival) for morning and afternoon tea + drink

Lunch and dinner on the 18th at The General. BYO lunch for fieldtrip.


2021 Springtime Observations by Ken Green


New research: Bogong moths 1951-2020: population decline and crash